Monday, June 22, 2015

There are days when..

There are days, when all you do is curl up and fret 
Think of the past, and many things you just regret.

There are days, when come what may, you fail to see
The positives of things, and you ask yourself “Why me?!”

There are days, when nothing around you makes any sense
It all just reiterates your belief, that life is a mystery, a big suspense.

There are days, when you can’t not think of your rotten luck
Which you believe is what has landed you in all this - uncalled for, dirty muck.

There are days, when, try as you might, you can’t really appreciate
What the Lord has given you. All you do is blame your karma, your fate.

There are days, when you fail to see the open window,
You can only see the closed door and of many things, you can’t just let go.

There are days, when you can’t help, but just
Think of only negative things and let the mind to rust.

May be these are the days, when you can’t be all strong.
Just accept life’s truth, that anytime, anything can go wrong.

So I suppose, all of us have these "one off" days,
When nothing seems to fall in place.

May be its just best , to resign to fate,
And hope things will get better, sooner or a little late

Passing phase!

She was moving, hurriedly, towards something.

Was racing against time and she could feel her heart thumping.

Totally oblivious to her surrounding, she seemed.

Was alone in her pursuit, this time, she wasn’t teamed.

She felt like she was bound by something and tried to set herself free.

She seemed to be in a hurry to resume her initial spree.

A faint voice asked her where it was that she was headed
She suddenly froze, like someone asked her what she had dreaded.
She thought she knew where she was going, or so was her impression.
To a place where she could break free from the shackles of life’s oppression.
She took a minute or two, of her surroundings, to become aware
And slowly she could feel the rubber wheels of her chair.

Reluctantly, she asked herself that question –where was it that she was going
Was it to a haven, to duck from what life was throwing?
Did she mean to go to a place which would assure her of some normality?
Or was she seeking-an escape, an escape from reality?
Was she lost, was all this just an illusion?
Or was it just a phase, a passing phase of confusion