Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Of bygone days.

Today, after a long time, I happened to take a drive around Yelahanka, the town where I've grown up, where I've spent all my childhood, which s given me memories galore. And all of a sudden I realised how much the town was an integral part of my growing up.
When I was a kid, the town used to so green and the population so sparse that many used to call it a forest. Huge trees stood strong by the roads, trees older than my parents and perhaps older than their parents too !!We could easily see my dad's factory( which's was atleast 2kms away) from outside our house. Every morning, we could hear very clearly the Suprabatham from the temple almost a kilometre away. We could easily know when the morning bus was leaving. We used to wake up to the calls of "kankambra malgeva" and the tinkling of the milkman's cycle bell and then go position ourselves on the footsteps at the doorway and watch our mothers as they went about spraying water and cleaning the front yards and adroitly put rangoli!
School was ofcourse just a 3 min walk from where we stayed and so we could afford to leave home just like 5 mins before the school bell! Afternoons ofcourse, we could either get home to eat steamy rasam rice or have our mothers get the same and more or less feed us !!
But the part of the day that most of us used to wait for the most was ofcourse the evening, when we would rush back back from school and after a hurried dress change and snack forced into our mouths, we used to rush to the ground right in front of my house to join a whole lot of other kids of my age, some older than me and some younger.While the older ones, chose to play the more mature games of Badminton and the like, the younger lot used to be content playing games like ''lock and key'', "Colour colour", and ''kuntebille''( hopskotch)( There were very few guys in our neighbourhood and hence cricket was not played much then) On a few occasions, the older lot and us used to join hands to play the more boisterous games of lagori and my what fun it used to be !!
Most men, in Yelahanka, then, used to be employees either of Escorts Mahle or the Wheel and Axle Plant and so almost everybody knew evrybody else in the neighbourhood. So evenings, while we kids were in the grounds, our mothers used to be out doing the usual gossip while the men did the more serious talks about the lockouts and the strikes and the transfers and the management and the union etc etc.
Sundays meant watching Rangoli at 7 30 and Mahabharatha and the more eagerly awaited "Jungle Book" and the 4 o Clock kannada movie ofcourse!!
I remember very clearly, how every October, Escorts used to give all the employees journalswhich spoke about the Company, how it was faring, what new products were to be launched and notify the employees of the change in management. But to many of us, it meant something else. Factory journals meant making KITES !! The paper of this journals used to be the ideal kind of paper for making kites and so we used to pester our dads to make us as many kites as they could from that journal. With long newspaper tails attached to it, we used to run like mad in the ground, trying to get the kite to fly but more often than not, our efforts used to be in vain !! I dont remember getting even one kite to fly atleast 6 ft above the ground!!! And Dushera holidays meant going to everybody's house to check out the neatly lined dolls! And how can we forget the holiday assignment which more often than not used to be writing our Mid terms papers yet again and a 4 page report on all our teacher's favourite topic" Mysore Dushera"!!!
Come Summer holidays, we used to hit the parks in the Wheel & Axle campus area. The fact that it was 1 and half kms from where we stayed and the fact that it housed 3 parks was enough a treat for all of us ! With somebody or the other's parents monitoring us, some 8-10 of us used to head noisily to the parks and make a helluva racket there !!! 2 hours of play and nothing but play and absolute fun!! And ofcourse, not to forget the holiday homework that we used to dread so much still forcefully finish just in time before the school reopened!!
Festivals meant gaiety and all of used to be up early, going from house to house to check out the beautifully coloured rangolis! Evenings meant all of us heading to temple in neatly pressed resham langas, counting the number of steps from our houses to the the temple and ofcourse devouring the prasadam !!
Of all the festivals, the one that we looked forward the most and enjoyed it equally was perhpas, Ganesha Habba. The mornings ofcourse meant starving until the pooja was done. But it was the evenings that used to be fun. All of us kids, used to meet up at around 3 30 -4, in our new attires, to be ready to go see 101 ganeshas, with boxes of akshatekalu( rice grains mixed in turmeric) !And boy, what noise we made!! Going to each house in the locality, asking if they had kept the murthy of the lord. And then, all of us in unison, used to shout" bolo vidhyaganapathi ki JAI " !! and phat, throw a handful of the akshatekalu on to the idol!!! And becasue all aunties used to give us something or the other eat on going to their houses, we used to even carry a nice plastic bag to stuff in all that they gave! And mind you, we wouldnt takes ages to cover the 101 houses. We had a deadline, 5 30-6. For 6 o clock meant starting of the Orchestra! Although this used to be moer or less the same every year, we used to ook forward to it, heading to the ground where this used to happen with some eatables packed and sitting on the carpet spread out for us kids. The agenda used to be the same every year, Some band singing Kannada hits and sometimes Hindi as well. This used to be followd by a magic show( the tricks never changed, not once! ) and ofcourse the mimicry show and the talking doll!!
All of this s so fresh that I can remember every minute detail of it so well. Those were the good old days; days of absolute naivete, of innocence and of simple fun.
Things have now changed so much. There is no longer any noise made by kids on the streets( atleast in yelahanka). There are no grounds for kids to play today. All the grounds that used to be there have now become parks where the kids are shooed away lest they touch the neatly manicured lawn! Then the groundswere meant for us kids. And today, the parks are meant solely for the health conscious folks who are found walking at any time of the day!!! I dont know if these parks have been made because the people have now become health conscious or if people have become health conscious beause there are so many parks made !!
And ofcourse there are the laughing clubs laughing like maniacs over nothing and doing their regular "Preethi-Preetham' exercises! ( Thats breathe in and breathe out for you ). No wonder, kids no more play cricket or lagori on the streets. Nor do they play it in the grounds for there are no grounds now!! its funny that kids now play football and cricket on their computers and not in real !! Kids are forced to be glued to the Idiot box and particularly the Pokemon's and the WWF's!! Most people now dont know their neighbours( but for the oldest lot). Ladies are now glued to the soaps thanks to the Stars and the Sonys and the Sun channels !! And I really dont know what the men do !!
The town has changed beyond recognition. Developed, rather. But I guess, for many of us, who've been in this small little town for as long as we can remember, its a change that perhaps, we could ve lived without( one can defnitely argue about it). Development they say happens with the exploitation of resources. And that is what has happened here too! Accomodating the increasing population, and hence the increasing number of two wheelers and the four wheelers meant the felling of the age old trees.
The once countable vehicles have multiplied three to four times adding to the congestion!
Festival days are as good as the usual days with everybody glued to their TVs watching the festival specials. That gaiety, the merriment, that festive spirit has somehow diminished(or so it seems to me).
The Yelahanka I grew up in has somehow ceased to exist.
May be as they say" whatever happens happens for good". May be this development is not as bad too. May be it is good that the town is progressing so much.
But I guess, certain changes take longer to be accepted, more so when the change has to do with a lot of memories!
May be "Change is refreshing" is how we should see it!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

There are days when..

There are days, when all you do is curl up and fret 
Think of the past, and many things you just regret.

There are days, when come what may, you fail to see
The positives of things, and you ask yourself “Why me?!”

There are days, when nothing around you makes any sense
It all just reiterates your belief, that life is a mystery, a big suspense.

There are days, when you can’t not think of your rotten luck
Which you believe is what has landed you in all this - uncalled for, dirty muck.

There are days, when, try as you might, you can’t really appreciate
What the Lord has given you. All you do is blame your karma, your fate.

There are days, when you fail to see the open window,
You can only see the closed door and of many things, you can’t just let go.

There are days, when you can’t help, but just
Think of only negative things and let the mind to rust.

May be these are the days, when you can’t be all strong.
Just accept life’s truth, that anytime, anything can go wrong.

So I suppose, all of us have these "one off" days,
When nothing seems to fall in place.

May be its just best , to resign to fate,
And hope things will get better, sooner or a little late

Passing phase!

She was moving, hurriedly, towards something.

Was racing against time and she could feel her heart thumping.

Totally oblivious to her surrounding, she seemed.

Was alone in her pursuit, this time, she wasn’t teamed.

She felt like she was bound by something and tried to set herself free.

She seemed to be in a hurry to resume her initial spree.

A faint voice asked her where it was that she was headed
She suddenly froze, like someone asked her what she had dreaded.
She thought she knew where she was going, or so was her impression.
To a place where she could break free from the shackles of life’s oppression.
She took a minute or two, of her surroundings, to become aware
And slowly she could feel the rubber wheels of her chair.

Reluctantly, she asked herself that question –where was it that she was going
Was it to a haven, to duck from what life was throwing?
Did she mean to go to a place which would assure her of some normality?
Or was she seeking-an escape, an escape from reality?
Was she lost, was all this just an illusion?
Or was it just a phase, a passing phase of confusion

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

For a friend.

Finite differences
Infinite similarities.

Empathy and a shared gusto
Similar aversions and a similar manifesto

Coffee and simple talks.
Complications over long walks.

Relationships and friendships and the associated emotions
And the paralysis of analysis to arrive at solutions.

Many  a discussion about art
Many  a discussion, redefining ‘smart’

Many talks about many  books
And many talks about looking beyond’ looks’

From  movies and drums
To sisters and mums J

The metamorphosis
And a deluge of emotion.

The bigger heart
And hence bigger mental  commotion

The many similarities between the two
The two being me and you.


Children’s games- Then and Now!

It was a lazy evening and I was sitting by the window and just gazing into empty space when I saw a few kids chasing some old bicycle tyres with some rough dried up twigs. There is a house being constructed near my place and these kids were from there. They were a boisterous lot, aged between 6-9 years, running around, grinning away to glory, totally involved in their tyre chasing game looking so carefree with not a worry on their head. I couldn’t help but smile looking at them.
 I was then taken down memory lane. I was so reminded of my childhood days when I used to be more on the road than at home! Me along with the neighbors’ kids used to be on the road and in the ground in front of our house playing all kinds of games. There used to be a whole gamut of games that we kids used to be involved in, ranging from the very age old “kunte bille” to the more noisy “gulli cricket”. I remember very vividly how we all used to go- “am I right?” in our kunte bille game in the air plane shaped boundary! And there were the other games of Lock and Key and Chain cut where we used to run helter skelter trying our level best not to get out! And there were the much noisier games of “lagori” and “choor chand”! Boy, were we a boisterous lot while playing these games! There was also the game of “kanna mucche”(hide and seek) for which we used to explore our surroundings fully to find good hiding spots so as to ensure that we don’t get caught by the person who was out! The games like kunte bille were considered to be the girly ones and the boys quite naturally abstained from playing these games. Lagori and Choor chand were more of the uni sex games which all of us- boys and girls used to play together. And there was the more boyish game of “bugari”( spinning top)that more often than not only the guys used to play with such colorful tops! And slowly as time progressed, we started playing with frisby (more commonly called as “disk” back then) and tennecoit (more commonly known as “ring”) but our favorite was the very popular game of badminton! How much we used to fight for our turns! And there was of course my favorite game of gulli cricket! I and a few other “girl” friends soo used to mix with the boys (much to our mothers’ dismay) and be on the street playing the game, jumping compounds, getting into gutters to find the ball, breaking the window glasses of many houses, throughout competing with the boys, trying to show them and prove it that we could play as well as them! And occasionally, say like once a year, we all used to go out flying kites, making all of it ourselves- colorful with long long tails!
And for the rainy days, we used to resort to the indoor games of “bara katta” (local version of ludo), “Kalla police”or Snakes and Ladders. As we moved to higher classes, we used to play the game of “Name, place, animal, thing” and slowly, we had also started playing the more sophisticated games of Carom, Chess and Scrabble.
Man, those were the days! Just the memory of it all brings a big smile on to my face!
But I don’t think kids today are even familiar with most of these games! Carom, chess, badminton and cricket, they all are. But not to the other games.  I have a lot of kids in my relative circle and also see a lot of kids in my neighborhood but see none of them playing the games that we grew up playing! A few of them, play cricket but many others would rather play the virtual game of cricket! Most of them seem to be soo glued to mobiles, X Boxes and Ipads that they can’t let go off them and turn all restless and cranky when they have to stop playing their Temple runs and Angry Birds. Today, it’s all virtual! They play Snake and ladder, Tic ta toe, football and a lot of other games on mobiles rather than playing it with other kids. And there is a plethora of games that the internet is offering today that the kids would rather play them and beat their counterparts online than play them in person! I don’t know if it would be right to blame the kids. They are just trying to hold their ground and ensure that they stay ahead of their counterparts who are, a little too competitive and precocious for their age.
I suppose this, is the generation gap that people talk about. But this aspect of the Generation gap is what I find disturbing to accept as I somehow feel this has an adverse influence on kids and their innocence.  Technology has surely brought about a lot of changes, but this is one change that might have more cons than pros as we shall go on to see in the years to come. Can something be done now? Can this be changed? Or should this be changed at all? Should we just wait and watch time unfold more and more of such changes? Who has an answer for these?

I guess the sooner we come to terms with reality, the better it is! One can’t really complain or do much about the changing rules of the Universal game played by time!! Or can we?